Saturday, April 21, 2007

Judges don't like critisim when their harming your kids

It occurred to me one of the main reasons fathers get done over in the FC when they are self represented is the criticism they express of the harm being done to their children.

Judges don't normally get exposed to criticism and any sort from anybody and tipically react with vengeance.

The problem doesn't exist in other courts. ...only when they are denying you your right to protect your children.

I criticised the court incessantly and they banned me from having any contact with my child . That'll learn me ! eh?

Kind regards

Finland it seems is no better.
This from Pertti

The chief judge of the Finnish Supreme Court, Leif Sevon, said once on TV that judges are so used to criticism they won't let it affect the decision making. What naive rubbish, what shameless arrogance to say so!
The truth is the judges wrongly use of power without inhibitions, whenever they are offended - and without any offence. I had lost my trust in the legal system which I told openly in the court room on the 15th March 1999. I still remember the recoil of the chief judge, Leena Korkalainen, at my words. Her later decision was: visitations 3 times a year, 90 minutes a time and with supervision in a shelter home. She is partly free of responsibility, since the social workers (who hated me) suggested that arrangement first.
(The decision is still in force; alienation began from that year on. Now my daughter Arla is in public custody living in a "first home" for kids in urgent need of care. Very soon the order for permanent public custody will be given, of which I have been informed. I have seen my daughter several times, we live in a small place, but she has not exchanged words with me. The social workers now emphasize the father must be back in the girl's life, the mother relation is broken in pieces, something must be done to restore the father relation. My daughter is 15 on the 6th June, FIRST NOW these poor folks get alarmed! My case is a PAS case; my daughter is reluctant to see me.)
Yes, judges do revenge!
Pertti Ruha
Hyvinkää, FINLAND