You know the terrible thing about all this is when the court finally allow me to speak with my daughter, which will be when she reaches adulthood, or if we're very lucky, in a supervised environment to monitor what is said, ....finally she will want to know the truth about what happened.
The terrible truth that I will have to tell her when we are finally allowed be Father and daughter again, is that all of this happened because her mother wanted it so.
Think about that for a moment. All the court assisted exclusion of me from her life only happened because my daughter's mother wanted it to happen. Because she couldn't cope with her daughters affection for her father.
If her mother suddenly decided to allowed her her father again it would all be over. The court would have no objection. It will only exclude me while my daughter mother wants me to be excluded.
The consequences of that will no doubt be the destruction of the relationship with her mother and untold ongoing grief and despair, as the opportunities in life pass her by.
Of course this begs the question of what the courts are doing assisting mothers to exclude fathers when they otherwise would have no interest in excluding them?
As I have said time and time again, the government need only amend the laws to ensure that one parent can not unilaterally, summarily exclude the other parent form a child's life, forcing the excluded patent and child to endure years of frustrations and limits on their interaction whilst spurious claims to justify the exclusion are investigated by various professions that profit from this misery. If and when the government finally does this, children will no longer have to suffer the trauma of having one of their parents excluded and vilified, of having to grow up in fear of losing their remaining parent, if they don't play along and join in the condemnation of their own fathers.