Should I Apologize For Being Angry?
Should I Apologize For Being Angry?
> By George Rolph
> I have heard it muted that men will never be able to pull
> together and fight as one, until they stop being angry at women. The
> reason given for this logic is that many other men will not join the
> men's movement if they think its made up of men who are angry at women
> because, their sense of chivalry will create in them an inherent need to
> defend women. While this logic is faultless, I wonder if its underlying
> premise is faulty. Allow me to explain.
> I agree completely that gratuitous rage at ALL women is bizarre
> and probably borders on the mentally deranged scale of social sanity, if
> it does not correct itself in time in the men affected. I also believe
> however, that Radical Feminism is infested with females who ARE mentally
> deranged because of their blind hatred for all things male. Having said
> that, I also believe that men have a right to be angry at those women
> who have, by various means, set out to destroy everything that those men
> hold dear.
> Now, if some guy (or woman)tells me that, because I am angry at
> the abuses I have suffered personally and witnessed against other men,
> he/she will not stand with me, my answer to him is a simple and direct
> one; Good! Go away, because you are not welcome. If the pain of your
> past fathers, present brothers and future sons, is less important than
> your old fashioned attitudes towards savage females, go be a Radical
> Feminist!
> I firmly believe that as men, we have to get real here and
> understand exactly what it is we are fighting; who the enemy are; what
> they have done and are doing to men; how they are doing it and what we
> have to do to defeat it all. There is a huge and growing roll of fallen
> men who have given their very lives because they have suffered massive
> personal and/or shared damage to their families, their finances and
> their reputations by females and hate filled female political
> philosophies.
> Men who, like my own father, have placed shotguns in their
> mouths. Men who have burned themselves to death in protests. Men who
> have jumped off bridges. Men who have starved themselves in hunger
> strikes. Men who have lost their sanity. Men who have been raped in
> every way imaginable by a savage, feminised system and become homeless
> drifters. Men who have gassed themselves in cars. Men stripped of their
> families, children and reputations. Men falsely accused of horrendous
> crimes who have preferred death to trying to live with such a stain on
> their character. Men who have watched helplessly as crippling child
> support payments have destroyed their ability to earn or keep a business
> running. Men who have been sent to jail for waving at their children in
> a passing car and so found themselves in breach of a no contact order.
> Men trapped in horrifying and savagely abusive relationships they cannot
> escape from or find any help to manage, because the system set up by
> women, for women, will not allow them in. Men being forced to pay child
> support for children they did not father. Men losing jobs because of
> invented sexual discrimination allegations. Men who, every day, have to
> read and watch incredibly insulting things said about their gender in
> endless press reports, magazine articles (often written by bitter
> females) on TV shows and in movies. In India , over a million males were
> forcibly castrated on the orders of a female premier. Just how damn
> patient do they want us to be?
> No matter how much those on the fringes of the men's movement
> (I.e. Internet radio commentators and journalists) think men's anger is
> somehow, uncivilised, many men have very good reason to be furious and
> its that fury that drives them on. What those detractors should be
> thankful for is the massive restraint those angry men are showing. Those
> men have every right to storm the courts and government buildings and
> start shooting.
> The fact that they do not is a testament to their incredible
> patience and wonderfully noble characters! Forty years of insults and
> assaults by women and feminised men is enough to make any man angry. For
> me, the problem is not so much the angry men, as the men who dont get
> angry.
> The assault against the male gender has long gone past the cafe
> chatting stage. Those who observe the mens movement and tut, tut at the
> rage they see and hear, as they sip their coffee in the Internet cafe or
> office canteen, should understand just how close to a world wide and
> massive male rebellion we are all coming. If it does blow up, it will be
> very ugly indeed. While that prospect is frightening and one that must
> be headed off if possible, it will not be done by side line commentators
> telling men to cool it. These men are not going to cool it. What must be
> done is to find constructive ways to channel that anger. That has to
> start with education.
> Know your enemy is the first rule of warfare and, make no
> mistake, this is a war! What is more, it is a war that MUST be won! Our
> enemy is not all women but some women and some men. The modern missiles
> aimed at men are bigotry, lies, deception, disinformation,
> misinformation; hate dressed up as equality, political propaganda of the
> worst kind and wholesale political manipulation of the populations
> around the world. All of these things are falsehoods and all are
> missiles of the mind. Therefore, the fundamental weapons of our warfare
> are truth, justice and personal integrity. Shields of the mind.
> The instrument of the weapons formed against men is Radical
> Feminism. Therefore, they are our enemy. The history of what they have
> said and done are our ammunition. Calling them to account socially,
> legally, morally and financially is our goal. That includes anyone:
> Journalists, judges, lawyers, publishers, politicians, TV executives,
> teachers, policemen and on and on, who have pressed these injustices
> onto innocent and helpless men and families for personal, political, or
> corporate advantage and gain. We have to make the supporters of this
> foul Radical Feminist political movement into social pariahs. We must do
> this as a warning that will sound loud and clear throughout history,
> that the likes of these vermin will not be tolerated again. Just as we
> did with that other bigotry called, Nazism.
> A friend of mine was in the army. I asked him, What would you do
> if you are on a battlefield and you see a women charging towards you
> with a gun and the intent to kill you? I would shoot her. No
> hesitation? I asked. Nope! None. He said, emphatically. OK. I replied.
> What would you do if you were in a corner at home and your wife was
> standing over you with an axe with the intention of burying it in your
> head? He thought hard before replying. Finally he asked, I cant get
> away? No. You are slumped in a corner and she has the axe raised. There
> was a long silence, and then he said, I would pray.
> Chivalry aimed at the wrong people will utterly destroy men who
> wont fight back. If they want to stand by and watch as vicious,
> politically motivated attacks destroy all they are and all they love,
> then they have no place in the men's movement at all. On the other hand,
> if they understand this is a real war, then they can shoot back with
> legal weapons and need not fear. The enemy has to be stopped and curling
> up in a trench and hoping, that if he is polite, she will not bayonet
> him with a false allegation or a new law designed to rip his life apart
> is, frankly, stupid! It was that attitude that got us into this mess in
> the first place.
> Violence is not the answer, but neither is Chivalry. This gender
> war is costing too many lives to be fought as if it was an 18th century
> battle between gentlemen. It isnt! Men did not start the war but men
> have to win it. The time has come to fight back with the best weapon we
> have... The truth! Sometimes the truth is a cruel weapon.
> I understand there are women in the men's movement who find
> men's anger difficult to deal with. Perhaps they have had too many
> compliant men around them for too long, I dont know. But those women who
> do join us had better not start to lecture us about how its so very
> important to be nice. Nice, will cost you your family, property,
> reputation and all you have earned, if you are male. If history has
> shown anything to men, that is it.
> Save your lectures for kindergarten kids. Dont make the mistake
> of talking down to us because, if you do, we will turn against you also.
> Roll up your sleeves and fight beside us or get out of the way. If you
> do that you are welcome, if not, then go away! There are not many social
> workers found on battlefields and we dont want to be mummied out of our
> anger thank you very much!
> Should I apologise for being angry? Hell no! I have every right
> to be angry.
> George Rolph grolph12@...
> Biography:
> George Rolph is a 52 year old male living close to the edge of
> London in the UK . He is a writer and a specialist in domestic violence
> and abuse issues. In particular, male victims of domestic abuse.
> George campaign for males against the extraordinary bias and
> bigotry they face in everyday life. His aim is to raise awareness of
> these things and encourage males to understand the truth about our
> history and rights.
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